An earnest comedy about parenting, progress, life, death and family.

On Sunday, September 2nd, 2018 I wake up in an armchair in the NeoNatal intensive care unit of Wellington Hospital. My wife is asleep in the wards after a long, tough labour. Our son is alive, but only just. 

A kind, practical NICU nurse walks hesitantly toward me with a brown paper gift bag. 
“Well, Happy Father’s Day, I guess” 

Not unlike Virginia Woolf’s titular character, it seems I have gone to bed a woman and awakened a man. 

For fathers and anyone who has known one. 

“It’s really fucking brave and reminds me to keep being brave in the face of a world that’s not always so kind.” – Audience, TAHI Festival, BATS Theatre 2021 

“…you are one very special force” – Jessie’s ex-girlfriend’s mum 

**Please note this show contains mentions of suicide and birth trauma.


Orlando: The Fish Eat the Softest Parts First – ONEONESIX