It’s not just dry vaginas that interrupts our sex lives, so do all the other menopause symptoms, including low libido, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, low mood, insomnia, joint pain, weight gain, recurrent urinary tract infections, the list goes on. We’re getting better at talking about menopause and more women are actively seeking, and even demanding support, but we’re less inclined to talk about the way it impacts sex. 

Join Dr Melissa Gilbert for a facilitated group discussion to start that conversation. Melissa has been supporting women through menopause and prescribing body-identical hormones for the last fifteen years as a GP in Whangārei. She is passionate about post fertility sexuality and the liberation that is available to us when we understand what is happening to our bodies. But she is mindful that there is still a lot of misinformation that women are grappling with and wants to set that straight. Come along for an evening of filling in some gaps, answering some questions, and pointing us in a new direction.

Email Melissa at to register your interest for future events.

Let’s Talk About Menopause and Sex – ONEONESIX