ONEONESIX is a community-operated performance space in the heart of Whangārei. We invite and celebrate contemporary NZ performance, music, art and community activity that is relevant to the people of Te Tai Tokerau.

ONEONESIX is committed to providing a place for the performing arts culture in Whangārei to flourish. A space where community and professional arts practice come together to celebrate, challenge, tell stories and start conversations.

Featured Events

  • Tali – “Flip The Scrip” 20 year Anniversary Show

    A live and Intimate show featuring songs from Tali's back catalogue, encompassing an illustrious award winning 25 year career, and 20 years since Tali released her first ever record.

    Event Tags Music
    MC Tali gig graphic
  • The Otis Mace Combo

    From melodramatic lounge folk to psycho-billy sleaze the Otis Mace Combo deliver an intoxicating blend of sonic goodness that will nestle sweetly in your memory for many years to come.

    Event Tags Music
    Otis Mace Combo band image
  • Turkey The Bird & The Nukes – A Fab Folk Double Feature

    What do you get when you combine two of Aotearoa's finest folk acts in one concert? More fun than you can poke a fiddle bow at!

    Event Tags Music
    Turkey Bird & The Nukes image

Venue Hire

ONEONESIX hires out the hall, backroom and the whole venue to community users when we aren’t hosting live performance events. Check out our spaces below and head to our listing on SpacetoCo to see live availability and to book and pay online.